Do we have too much “stuff”?  This is a relatively recent phenomenon and causing some concern to the planet.  There are Hoarders and Minimalists being filmed every day for our entertainment and we have a high street and internet encouraging us to buy more.  It is hard to resist.

If you are ever in a position where you need to move quickly or your are between homes and need to store your treasured possessions either with a family member with a large garage or at a self storage unit then you do need to prepare yourself quite well into organising your belongings into 3 or 4 piles depending upon what you need to keep and what you need to throw away.  This is one of the hardest things to do, especially if time is short.  If you can do this then you should.  It is pointless paying for more storage space to keep items that really you do not need, do not use and will never use.  If all you can manage to do it 2 piles then please do this when you are packing your boxes.  Give some stuff away, throw out things you cannot give away and only pack up the things that matter or are irreplaceable. Storage Unit Businesses will usually require you to insure the items you store.  Make sure that you are storing things that are of real value to you.


Don’t imagine that Minimalists do not have cupboards crammed with stuff, nicely out of sight !!!